Address: 6345 Commerce Blvd #815, Rohnert Park, CA  94928

Pricing: $195 per month for once a week and $335 for twice a week

Where to park: There is a parking lot in the front of the gym

How to enter: Once you enter the gym, the pool is on your lefthand side.

Classes offered at this location: Tadpole - Swimboree - Seahorse - Starfish - Minnow - Turtle 1 and 2 - Shark 1 and 2 - Adult

Facilities available on site: There are bathrooms in the locker room, a shower on deck, and changing tents on deck.

Location policies: locker rooms are off limits other than using the restroom, no hot tub use, 1 parent to 1 child on deck, no food or drink on the deck (other than water), opposite gender are not allowed in locker rooms if over 6 years old (CA law)

Days of operation: 

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