Address: 417 Aviation Blvd, Santa Rosa, CA 95403

Price: $195 per month for once a week $335 for twice a week

Where to park: In the parking lot in front of the hotel

How to enter: There will be a gate to the right of the front main entrance leading to a covered patio area. Once you come to the top of the path, the pool entrance is located to the right, past the deck chairs. Please do not use the front main entrance to enter or exit the pool. 

Classes available at this location: Tadpole - Swimboree - Seahorse - Starfish - Minnow - Turtle 1 

Facilities available on site: Gender-neutral bathrooms, an on-deck shower, and changing tents

Facility policies: no hot tub use, no food/ drink on the deck, only 1 parent per student on deck, no towel use

Hours of operation: Monday - Wednesday - Sunday

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