Address: 93 Bovet Rd, San Mateo, CA 94402

Pricing: $240 per month for once a week and $410 for twice a week

Where to park: there is a parking lot outside 24-Hour Fitness

How to enter: enter through the front door and walk along the left side of the gym. The pool entrance is on the left past the women's locker room

Classes available at this location: Tadpole - Swimboree - Seahorse - Starfish - Minnow - Turtle 1 and 2 - Shark 1 and 2 - Adult

Facilities available on site: Bathrooms in the locker room, shower on deck, and changing tents on deck

Location policies: locker rooms are off limits other than using the restroom, no hot tub use, 1 parent to 1 child on deck, no food or drink on the deck (other than water), opposite gender are not allowed in locker rooms if over 6 years old (CA law)

Days of operation: Tuesday - Saturday - Sunday

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